Tina Pearl's blog
Learning about how to post a blog is interesting to me. I learn something new everytime I turn my computer on,,,,,,,
Feb 2, 2010 11:32:38 AM
The first job that changed my life....
the first job that changed the way I felt about people in general.
Tina Pearl
I love everyone!
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Tina Pearl:
There ought to be capitol punishment for men wh...
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Learning about how to post
Tina Pearl:
May we always have something to do, something t...
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Learning about how to post
Tina Pearl:
I love talking and chatting with new friends,,,...
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Sharing information with new friends.
May we always have something to do, something to love, and something to hope for. I hope everyone has a wonderful day and try not to think of the negative things happening in your life. Remember, nothing lasts forever except God of our Fathers, and without Jesus we will never get to heaven. Ask Him into your heart and He will grab you up like the biggest sale in the store! And, He won't ever let you go! He is a faithful God that always answers even the smallest things..... believe me,,, I know.......
Posted by: Tina Pearl | 02/03/2010 at 08:06 AM
There ought to be capitol punishment for men who dump women for no reason other than to just want to move on to someone else. They leave them hanging as a "backup". It's not fair, to the old girlfriend or the new one. Who is to say he might do that to the next lady he is with? What kind of punishment do you think men ought to have for doing something like that to women?
Posted by: Tina Pearl | 02/03/2010 at 08:23 AM